Monday, October 31, 2011

Totally Fantabulous Family Idea...

Today is November 1st. I am embarking a new journey. One I plan to drag my children and husband on... Oh I mean, a meaningful experience that will be embraced by all 5 of us growing and learning as a family. That sounds so much sweeter and hallmark movie like but the reality I may be dragging them. I too may be draggin' 15 to 20 days in (more like 5 but I'm trying to be positive here!).

So what is this new road that we are on... for the next 30 days I'm going to blog, and/or Facebook about something that I am thankful for. I'm also going to be asking my sweet babies and darling husband to do the same. Well not actually the same, you'll see what I mean below. The rule is we can repeat each other (not on the same day!), but we can not repeat ourselves. Then I'm going to be super ubber organized and have them write them down to scrapbook them.

{Insert random thought.... Maybe tonight I'll skip TV and create the scrapbook pages, then they just have to write them on the tags. This will be a great keepsake in 20 years of their penmanship and what was important to them in this stage of their lives.}

Now that it's on paper, er I mean written on the internet the world will hold me accountable. No going back now, unless I decide not to post this blog, then you wouldn't be reading it and then my accountability will be gone. Ummmm.... sounds promising. I digress...

This is a great family project and I will start now...

Day 1

I am so very thankful for the women on the MOPS leadership team. They lift me up, they push me to be a better mom, and they make me laugh. God perfectly placed each of them in my life and I truly am thankful.

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