Monday, September 6, 2010

Adjusting to Okinawa...

Yeah, it's really hard to live on an island when the beaches look like this! The water is so clear on this particular side of the island. This is the Pacific Ocean side, this is also the side we live on! It truly is amazing the difference in the water, the colors and the clarity. Breath taking is what it is!

We've been asked at least 3 times a day since we arrived on the island "How are you adjusting to Okinawa?" Truth be told nope not yet, but we are learning the roads, the traffic and are actually remembering to stay on the left side of the road! That a lone is a HUGE accomplishment. You wouldn't think it would be hard to do, but habits take over and there you are driving down the road head on in the path of another car. Don't worry we haven't had that many close calls, we usually figure it out when the kids yell at us!
We did discover that you can watch TV in the van while you are driving it. One day the fam was doing a bunch of running around the kids were bored off their gourd and I turned on the TV. Star Wars is HUGE over here, and so is the Clone Wars. On the Japanese station was the Clone Wars cartoon. The kids loved watching TV while we were driving down the road. We haven't done it since, because we the drivers go get distracted, but it does help waiting for someone in the parking lot for what seems like hours on end. Caleb wants to join the swim team, his first practice is next week. He actually has tryouts on Monday and then a week of practice to see if he likes it. I hope he does, but I also know it will bring long days for him and much more driving for me. I know it will be good for him and he's very excited about it. He is also in chorus in school. He came home the first day of school to inform us that he is the only boy in the chorus program. I asked him if he wanted to continue, he said and I quote "Oh Yeah! Mom it's gonna be great!" (He takes after his father!)

Katie is soooo hungry for a fabulous girls program. I really wish I could find one. We went "interview" a GS troop and I was less than impressed. I've been praying for a solution, but I am still having reservations that I was having for the past couple of years. Pray that God brings to us a wonderful program that will provide the leadership and fun that Katie is looking for in a girls program. She is loving all the kids in the neighborhood and walks to school everyday w/ a herd of kids. Seth has signed up for band in school. He so badly wanted to continue with his guitar but the school doesn't offer strings, so he chose brass. When he was asked by the band instructor what instrument he wanted he chose the French Horn, no particular reason mind you. "Just wanted to try it!" He's a crazy nut! I remember being told that the FH was the hardest instrument to learn, good luck Seth! Both boys are already active in Boy Scouting. We found a fantastic troop, it's a bit of a drive but it's by far the best troop on the island, the leadership is top notch.

As for me...I signed up to take a framing class. It starts tomorrow. I should learn how to make my own photo mats and frames. Once I take this class I can be "set free" in the framing studio to do my own work. The class is 4 weeks long (once a week), that is a start right. I also know I'll be getting really involved in our new church. This weekend we joined Koza Baptist. It's really close to the house, the preacher is a retired Marine (Mark loves that!) and it's a very very active church. Tomorrow night Katie and I are going to Koza to learn about their Christmas production, we would like to audition and see where they need help. I've always wanted to get the kids involved in productions/plays at church... finally we can do it! Seth also wasn't to audition, so we might be really busy really soon!

I'll take some pictures of our home soon. We still do not have our household shipment, so our house is pretty bare and boring. So hold tight, trying to make a home outta nothing ain't easy. Right now it's still just a house. All in all we are adjusting, and loving our time here. Can't believe we've been here a month already. Yep, yesterday was a month, our one month anniversary. Looking forward to the next 35 month on the island.

1 comment:

Mary Stewart said...

I miss you guys! I'm back in the computer lab this year and everytime Mrs. Neal's class comes, I'm expecting to see katie!!!!