Tuesday, November 27, 2012

PNO... what is that?

I know many of you have been quietly wondering what PNO is all about. You've read about it, dreamt about it and still have questions. Like... why in the world would a woman so busy as Colleen take on such a project? Or what in the world is she gonna do with all these children? My favorite one... who loves Colleen enough to volunteer for such an event?

Here are just a few answers to those great questions...
Junior and I took on this project so that we can go on a mission trip to Nome Alaska in March of 2013!  I know right someone just fell out of their chair. Nome, Alaska in March. YES YES YES. We can't wait. It's the end of the Iditarod and how could we possibly pass up this opportunity. (I'll tell you more about the trip later!) When Jr and I first talked about it, Mark said we couldn't take any money out of the family budget to do this. Someone suggested PNO, so we ran with it! So happy we did. It's a blessing to us and to parents all over the island.

What to do w/ these kids? The kids have so much fun. We've got a HUGE screen movie night, tons of games, crafts and some yummy snacks! Last month I over planned, it's what I do. There wasn't a bored moment for anyone. Lots to do, lots of fun, no sad children! Makes for one successful PNO. BTW: we had over 93 children registered and only 1/3 showed up!

Who loves me?... lots of people. They actually love Jr more though! We had over 14 adult volunteers and 12 youth. It was AWESOME! I think (maybe I am imagining things!) everyone had a great time. Time flew by, it didn't feel like 4 hours. Junior and I are richly blessed by all the help!

So how can you help... volunteer today! Our next PNO is December 14th! (the time has changed slightly so parents can go to the movies on base!)

Can't wait to see everyone at the next PNO!

P.S. If you click the photo it will enlarge it for easier viewing!

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