Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 29, 2011

The United States Marine Corps. That is a complete sentence as it stands. I am so very thankful for our military and especially the Marine Corps. This is our home, we belong here. For the past 6 years I've worn a necklace daily that has the core values of the Marines on it... Honor Courage Commitment. Mark and I have tried to pattern our lives after these values. They are not only true to the Corps but to our family life, our faith and each other.

I remember about 12 months ago being asked about my necklace. The woman was shocked and somewhat appalled that I would wear the values of the Corps around my neck when I in fact was not a Marine. She told me I was a wannabe. I didn't reply and almost felt ashamed that I had worn this. Later that day when I was still stewing about this conversation God reminded me that I bring honor to Him, my husband, my family and my Corps by wearing it. It's an outward daily reminder that we are the ambassadors of Christ. That my daily actions of loving my family and putting His will ahead of my own is a quiet witness.

I've worn it every day since. It's battered, old and needs to be retired, but it's part of me. Of who I am, and I'm humbled by wearing it.

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