Monday, October 31, 2011

Totally Fantabulous Family Idea...

Today is November 1st. I am embarking a new journey. One I plan to drag my children and husband on... Oh I mean, a meaningful experience that will be embraced by all 5 of us growing and learning as a family. That sounds so much sweeter and hallmark movie like but the reality I may be dragging them. I too may be draggin' 15 to 20 days in (more like 5 but I'm trying to be positive here!).

So what is this new road that we are on... for the next 30 days I'm going to blog, and/or Facebook about something that I am thankful for. I'm also going to be asking my sweet babies and darling husband to do the same. Well not actually the same, you'll see what I mean below. The rule is we can repeat each other (not on the same day!), but we can not repeat ourselves. Then I'm going to be super ubber organized and have them write them down to scrapbook them.

{Insert random thought.... Maybe tonight I'll skip TV and create the scrapbook pages, then they just have to write them on the tags. This will be a great keepsake in 20 years of their penmanship and what was important to them in this stage of their lives.}

Now that it's on paper, er I mean written on the internet the world will hold me accountable. No going back now, unless I decide not to post this blog, then you wouldn't be reading it and then my accountability will be gone. Ummmm.... sounds promising. I digress...

This is a great family project and I will start now...

Day 1

I am so very thankful for the women on the MOPS leadership team. They lift me up, they push me to be a better mom, and they make me laugh. God perfectly placed each of them in my life and I truly am thankful.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

From One Extreme to Another

Mark and I have been together for 19 halloweens. In those 19 years we've never celebrated or participated in halloween events. We've never dressed up, we've never given out candy nor have we gone to any halloween parties. We have however participated in our church's alternative to fright night events. Those events are fantastic, they are super fun filled with tons of candy, lots of games and many many laughs.

My favorite memory was Hallelujah Night of 1998. I was pregnant with the boys, Mark was deployed and it was very chilly outside. I wore my orange fleece jacket. My Pastor called me the "Great Pumpkin". I didn't speak to him for a few days, he was seriously in the dog house!

The following year, the boys were about 8 months old. Again it was chilly outside, and many of the seasoned parents at church scolded me for not having shoes on my boys. They had two pairs of socks, but apparently that wasn't enough. The next day I found myself at Wal-Mart buying their first pair of shoes. Who knew that a kids needed shoes before they walked!

Last halloween the five us took shelter in the house with all the lights off watching a movie hiding from all the trick or treaters. In Okinawa there is no alternative. They even open up the bases to allow the local nationals to come on in for beggar's night. This year is a whole other story. About a month ago the kids approached Mark and I, Seth was the spokesman for the coup. He explained how they understood the meaning of halloween and that for one year they'd like to experience trick or treating. I asked why. The response was an overwhelming need to beg for candy! We agreed to allow them to trick or treat. I thought that was all we had given permission for...

A week later we found out that scouts were putting on a haunted house as a fund-raiser. Of course the boys needed to participate. (I supposed I could have pushed back with a religious justification as to why they couldn't, but I didn't.) I allowed the boys to make the call and determine their level of involvement. Below are photos of my sweet innocent 'religious' boys the night of the haunted house. As you can tell they went in to it with a "no hold's barred" attitude.

This picture is the "I can't tell you anything Mom!" photo.

Seth performed beautifully as the dead man in the graveyard.

He's so psycho... Caleb was the poor sap being executed in the electric chair!

You can't tell by the photo, but Caleb was screaming and moaning as if he's being shocked with 100,000 volts of electricity (actually they are Christmas bulbs!)

The tomb of the creepy kid... Seth's rather scary don'tcha think!

I don't think they have lost their faith. We've actually had some pretty fantastic conversations about this season and what it means to Christ, our faith and honoring Him. They will beg for candy tomorrow night, and I will inspect every piece before they eat any. No worries on gruesome costumes... Caleb is going as a Marine, Seth as a Greek god, and Katie as Morticia (from the Addam's Family).

First Middle School Dance 2011

Junior had her first middle school dance this past Friday. Remember I announced on Facebook that I was chaperoning. She was less than thrilled when she found out, but was still embarrassed even when she saw many other parents there. It was loud and quite the learning experience for me. Middle schoolers are LOUD, very loud especially when there are 200+ of them in a tiny cafeteria. Overall it was a very fun evening, I think K80 had a great time (even with me there)!

To my relief there were NO slow dances, but many line dances and one very long limbo line! Will I chaperone again, you bet. There's no better way to keep an eye on my kiddos than to have my eye on my kiddos.

I bet you're wondering where the boys were during this awesome event... they had a Boy Scout camp out. Mark went too. Believe me if there were home they'd be dancin' fools too!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Got Guilt

Another amazing day here on Okinawa and I vowed to work on some Christmas Presents. By 5 o'clock I was feeling rather guilty that K80 and I weren't outside at the beach somewhere. So what's a mom to do, order pizza and continue on my quest to get some of more Christmas presents finished.

Mark's got the boys at Scout Camp, K80's chillaxin' on the sofa. So excuse me while I complete this mission. The mission of Christmas!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Am I in over my head?

This week has been Ubber Busy and 10,000 things going on at the same time.

Monday night I had a Battalion Christmas Party planning meeting (I'm the committee chair), and the boys had Scouts. Mark worked late. Not too bad of a day, kinda normal actually!

Tuesday, I had a conference call and did training for work (approx 6 hours during the day). That night I had a MOPS Steering Team meeting and Mark was supposed to go to the D-Now Host Home meeting (he worked late again, missed the meeting and got home at 9pm) What was I thinking?

Wednesday, I had fasting labs at the hospital by 8am and was on the podium teaching from 12:30-4pm. Raced home to shove leftovers into the kids to fly out the door by 5:15 for Youth Group. (Mark did get home early and helped the kids with homework... I love him!) What was I thinking... leftovers for dinner that will not qualify me for the MOTY Award ... mother of the year!

Thursday, I taught all day from 8-4. Got home to finish up homework when I realized that we are the Grub Masters for the Scout camp out this weekend. We jetted out the door where I made a gourmet meal at Subway, headed into the commissary at 6:30 with all three kiddos. What was I thinking? Hitting the commissary to purchase a weekends worth of food for 25 people 30 minutes before the commissary closes. It was pure chaos in there! (Dear Lord, please remind me to Gib-slap my boys if they volunteer again for Grub master on a week that I work! Amen) BTW: Mark's still at work, expected home around 10pm!

Tomorrow... Good Ol' Friday, I teach again from 8-4. The boys need to be at the Scout Hut (30 minutes away... 40 minutes on Friday night traffic) at 5pm with the 15 bags of food purchased for the camp out! What was I thinking? I will need to extend the wings on the Red Baron (my marvelous minivan) to spin around and return to home base 45 minutes later to get Junior to the dance that starts at 6:00... that I am also chaperoning! What was I thinking? The dance ends at 8, and guess what? I agreed to let K80 have a sleep over... Again... What was I thinking?

I may have also failed to mention the my class is meganormous with 49 Marines/Sailors in my there. That's a large class on a normal basis, it's super meganormous for my first class. And I'm supposed to give individual attention to each student... yeah right! What were THEY thinking?
I do love being in charge of the clicker. Yep, I have a PowerPoint clicker complete with a laser pointer. I feel so powerful, however my feet are quite angry with me. I have no less than 4 blisters on each foot. I tried to break in my dress shoes, they are flats afterall, but my my poor old feet can't handle them. They are screaming at me. I think I need a bucket of ice water. What was I thinking? I'm not cut out for career clothes and pretty shoes. I'm a jeans, t-shirt and flip flops kinda girl!

This week has surely challenged my choice to go back into the traditional workforce. It's been a hard week. I've asked myself about hundred times a day... "What was I thinking?"

Then I am reminded in my heart that God led me to this position. He opened the doors for me. He'll never give me more than I can handle, but I do sometimes think...
"What was God thinking? I'm not as strong as He thinks I am...!"

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Really... Seriously... You're Joking Right?

So Friday, with much running around I was able to change our PCM (Primary Care Manager aka our doctors). Since we moved it's just a lot easier to change doctors and not drive 40 minutes to our in one of the busiest offices on the island. So to Lester Family Practice here we come. (It's only 10 minutes from the new house, it's super convenient and it's next to the hospital!)

I fill out all our paperwork and then head over to the offices to make a follow up appointment for myself. As I look through the paperwork they gave me at the Tricare Service Center I see that we all have the same doctor. I think... Perfect... Continuity in Care. I love it. Upon making my appointment I discover that our family doctor is now an OB/GYN. And I think to myself... really my 12 year old boys need a girlie parts doctor? My 11 year old daughter needs a girlie part doctor. I think not... Shoot I don't really need a girlie part doctor b/c I don't have any girlie parts left. But I don't have time to change it today... my prayer is when we do ever get sick and actually need to see a doctor they will see the error of their ways, a girl can hope right!

Thankfully my NEW PCM wasn't available for my follow up appointment. So I'll just see another doctor... let's hope and pray it's not a Proctologist!

Another Day @ a Slide Park

Random photos in no particular order that paint the picture of our half day of school last week. So sit back, open your heart and fall in love with the friends we have here in Okinawa (and my kiddos too!)

This is my boy, I call him Bubba, Mr. B, and of course his given name Bennett. He's my Michelin Man. You can't get enough of him I'm tellin' ya he'll melt your heart. His new thing is he snorts, and you'll seriously bust out laughin' if you get the chance to hear it. I could just squeeze him right now!
My Hannah and her Miki. You'd never know it but Miki really loves the slides. She didn't get her nap so she was almost asleep.

Caleb my man.... "That's how I roll mom!"

This is my Miki... She's so stinkin' cute. She's in her school uniform. She attends a Japanese Montisori school. Gosh I love this girl... she's like kin to me, one of my own.

Here she is again, you can see a glimpse of K80's hair. Miki adores K80. They are like two peas in a pod.

K80 and Katelynn. Yes, two Katie's. When you call at least they both answer.

Loves this... Miki's revving up the whale like a motorcycle. She's definitely a go getter!

The crew at the zoo, not really the zoo. But aren't they cute on the weiner dog!

Flowers for mommy, not Auntie. It was okay b/c I got the photo. Gotta love sweaty curls!

My Junior. She's such a heartbreaker. Don't tell her I said that, but boy howdy is she a cutie patootie!

That boy needs a haircut. Someone tell his lazy mom to take him to the barber! Love that smile, it reminds me of his dad's!

K80 and Katie again.

Seth took Miki down the roller slide. He's such a great kid! How many pre-teen boys do you know who are willing to ride a slide w/ a 3 year old. My boys do... Gosh I love 'em!

Caleb's waving reassuring Miki's mama that she's well taken care of. Did I mention I love them boys!

This is Mr. B and and Miki's mama. I know she's cute too, and has those amazing curls. No I'm not jealous, okay yes I am, but that's only because I'm stick straight hair lady!

(wondering why I'm not in any of these photos... someone has to be the photographer)

Junior's Birthday Party

I know I know I know. Stop yelling at me. I WAY behind on my blogging. It's not for lack of desire, or stories to tell or even motivation. It's time. I'm running out of time. I suppose I could get up early to do it or stay up late to do it, but for the betterment of the world I will take my beauty rest. I'll do my darnedest to get more consistent in my blogging, pinkie promise!

K80 turns 11. Can you believe it our last little baby is 11 years old, a middle schooler and still adorable. She'd kill me if she knew I was writing this. Good thing she doesn't waste her time reading this blog! K80 being as unique as she is didn't want cake for her birthday party.

Oh no, she wanted dirt complete with worms. It was super easy... and super yummy! Don't know what to say about this photo... but it's the Peeps from the Party. Only 4 girls, no drama and lots and lots of laughter. They had blast. Mark even had fun. I think he likes girls, he'll never admit it but he loved the giggles and all the fun stuff that comes with his K80.

K80 and Dana. Dana hand stitched this super sweet owl for K80 for her birthday. I always say...The most thoughtful gift is a handmade gift. I'm so impressed and K80 loves it. I tried to steal it, she swatted my hand. Where does she learn this stuff? (Oh yeah... her father!)

Happy Birthday my dear sweet K80. We are truly blessed and honored to have you part of our family. Please stay sweet, innocent and pure forever and ever. We love you!